Tuesday, June 2, 2009

the 30 day mark

here we are - 30 days out from the due date...will he come early, on time...this is the true test...

i have to say this whole pregnancy has flown by, i can't believe it is almost over. i will miss it when all is said and done, but i am ready to have my body back! seems silly to say, but he is wearing on me - carrying an extra 30 lbs is really a lot harder than i thought it would be. he is worth it in the end, but boy am i ready for it to be over!

we have had such a great pregnancy though. i have been blessed with a pretty easy one - which i think has made it easier on brad. he has been incredible thru it all. he hasn't missed an appointment, gets up with me every night at my hourly bathroom run & even manages to come home early with me, well most of the time! we have been surrounded by so many amazing people who have done so much for baby cain - i can't thank everyone enough for it...we feel very blessed.

we did finish the room! i can't believe that it is done - i am shocked...we finished it ahead of schedule too - go us!!!! i will post pictures for all to see!

well, hopefully soon enough this baby boy is born and we can share him with you all!

xoxoxox, brad, kate and baby cain (who is kicking me as i type this!)