Monday, July 13, 2009

here we of three

mr aidan charles cain made his appearance on June 25th, 2009...he came into the world "ass first" according to Dr. Jenkins as he pulled him out of my new 8 inch scar that this little baby boy has blessed me with! he's worth it!!!

i never imagined i could love something so much...even if our relationship is very one-sided at this point in time...he uses me to eat and change his diaper...he'll come around - i am sure of it!

so, you are probably wondering how the first couple of weeks has been! WHIRLWIND for sure! I find myself looking in the mirror saying - "oh my what happened"...i used to leave for work pretty put together and now by 1 o'clock i am lucky if i have even showered and my outfits now consist of spit up, milk and sweat from the body heat this guy puts out! again - he is beyond worth it. he isn't fond of sleeping more than 2 hours a night and loves to be rocked to sleep in the middle of the night, which he likes to take about 40 minutes to do so. not a fan of having his diaper changed at ALL!!! and when i say at all - it means he loathes it - he has "christened" his room in so many ways - take cover is how I react at 2am when he projectile poops all over the walls and curtains...he gets a little smile on his face like "ahhh i feel better" and I am off to clean up a pretty fun mess!

i will say - he is an eater - we went to the doctor on the 7th of July and he had put on 1lb 4 oz - the doctor told us to keep doing what we were doing...he is growing up right before my eyes and so fast! we have the same talk everyday about not growing up too fast and just taking life slow...he seems to not be listening already! are we going to have our hands full or what?

he hates a pacifier, not sure if that is a good thing or not yet - he does love to suck on his hands though. we went on our first walk today - can you tell everyone has gone and i was on my own - otherwise i wouldn't have been able to get the hall pass to go on a walk! brad keeps me locked up pretty tight just so i don't do too much and find myself back in bed for 2 weeks again! having a c-section was not that much fun at all!!!!

so far though - he is the love of our lives - i look at him all the time with his million different faces and just wonder how Brad and i did this - he's perfect and he is all ours. i love it being the three of us and live seems so complete! i savor the time that i have with him, but once brad gets home - i treasure our moments as a family even more...i have my two favorite boys and they both are perfect!

Here are some pictures of little aidan in his first weeks of life....

i will be better about posting - i promise!